Government driver hits pedestrian, MPD gives victim a ticket

Photo by love not fear.

A US Diplomatic Security Service vehicle hit Daily Caller employee Sean Medlock, the site reports, and while Medlock was in the hospital, an MPD officer showed up to give him a ticket for jaywalking.

Medlock was transported to Georgetown hospital, and while there, MPD officer John Muniz showed up and wrote Medlock a jaywalking ticket, with a dark-suited “special agent” standing behind him. Medlock denies he was jaywalking.

MPD does not typically appear in hospitals accompanied by government officials to write tickets for jaywalking, so this seems highly suspicious.

Moreover, the ticket has the wrong location, the Daily Caller says, and says Medlock was walking diagonally. Medlock, however, says that he was in the crosswalk and had the white walk signal.

The Daily Caller sent some questions to the State Department. Most got no answers, but the department did say that “At approximately 7:10 PM last night, a jogger collided with one of the U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service’s official vehicles.” If a driver hits a pedestrian, now we’re saying the pedestrian “collided with” the vehicle?

Daily Caller and the public deserve to know what, if any, conversations transpired between the State Department and MPD. More importantly, it’d be great if this incident opens the Caller’s reporters’ eyes to the problems of traffic safety in general.

A government SUV hitting their writer does play squarely into the conservative view of government, and this hint of a conspiracy gives that a lot more salience, but police also blame pedestrians for many crashes not involving the government at all. That’s just as wrong.

Thanks to JTS and Bossi for the tips.