Muriel Bowser announces eight sites for homeless shelters

DC is working to close the homeless shelter at DC General and replace it with smaller shelters spread around the city. Today, Mayor Bowser announced where they will go and a set of public engagement meetings to discuss the plan.

Image from NBC Washington.

The DC General shelter has needed replacement for a long, long time. Spreading homeless residents out around the city is generally a good move. To segregate all homelessness in one part of the city forces all of the residents to one area and also concentrates the negative impacts of a shelter.

While a big facility does have some economies of scale and makes it easier to offer some services to all of the residents with staff in a single location, it’s not fair for some parts of the city to be able to push all of this necessary service to someone else’s community. Living in a mixed-income area instead of an all-homeless enclave also can benefit the shelter residents themselves.

Bowser set as a goal to place one new shelter in each of DC’s eight wards.

Our contributors weighed in on the choice of locations.

Kelli Raboy wrote: “It seems like most of the sites have access to at least some transit (mostly frequent bus routes), so that’s good.”

Neil Flanagan added:

The one in Ward 3 is sort of in between Glover Park and the Cathedral, not ideal from a transit perspective, but it is a lot that’s been empty for a while, and it’s a lovely neighborhood with decent access to services.

All over, it seems to be in line with expectations of not only equity on principle, but also the benefits of distributing social services more evenly.

Gray Kimbrough brought up an eternal question with social services and below-market housing: It’s cheaper to put it in the lowest-cost parts of the city, but spreading it out can be better for the people getting the services and for the communities that would otherwise have the concentration. But it’s more expensive.

The 213-bed women’s shelter stuck out to me, especially when I realized that it’s a prime Chinatown location. This is much of the backstory.

This is taking the place of new residential development which surely could have been traded for a new, less prime location. But it’s certainly transit accessible.

It also seems possible to me that that might be the only one to open any time soon (since the article says the others are slated for 2018 at best).

Canaan Merchant elaborated on the tradeoffs:

It would be important to note that the best places for equity might not be the best places to get a good deal for costs. This is an important distinction when you have a lot of stuff moving to places east of the river because it costs less to do things over there but residents criticize though decisions because they say that keeps the area depressed.

Finally, Geoff Hatchard brought up an interesting political side angle:

By explicitly making sure that each ward gets a shelter, you create a situation at redistricting time where you need to make sure you’re not moving the lines so one ward gets multiple shelters and another gets none.

Normally, that shouldn’t be too difficult to avoid, if you put the shelters closer to the geographic centers of the wards. But, many of these are placed near ward boundaries. The proposed locations in Wards 1 through 4 all could, at some point in the near future, create a type of restriction on how redistricting happens.

(Granted, this is speculative, but having been on the redistricting committee last time around for Ward 5, you’d be surprised what gets proposed as ‘requirements’ for the drawing of lines.)

It’s also somewhat interesting how the Ward 7 & 8 locations are so close to the Prince George’s County line. It may not be intentional, but it’s notable when one looks at the map.

The community meetings are Thursday, February 11, from 6:30-8:30 pm:

In the long run, the homeless residents really need not shelters but permanent housing. That housing, too, ought to go in many different neighborhoods.

What do you think of the choices?