Almost nobody stops at stop signs

Whenever the topic of bicycle infrastructure or changing bicycle laws comes up, some people say, “We should not do anything for cyclists until they start following laws like stopping at stop signs and lights!”

Commenter oboe pointed out this video of a Philadelphia intersection along Rittenhouse Square. On a narrow one-way street, it has a stop sign on each side, plus an overhead arm containing a third stop sign and a blinking red light. Clearly, the city really wants people to stop. See for yourself whether they do.

WashCycle also has a followup from Montgomery County police to the report that an officer threatened cyclists for “being annoying.”

Chief of Police J. Thomas Manger says that the officer, Officer Jordan, stopped them for “riding two abreast and impeding a vehicle whose driver was attempting to pass.” Someone who was bicycling with that group claims they were not blocking any vehicles, staying as close as possible to the side of the road, and riding two abreast only when space permitted, or single file when necessary.