Bike lane debates move from city hall to late night TV

Bicycling is becoming so popular that even late night talk show hosts are talking about it. The Late Late Show’s James Corden recently weighed in on a controversial bike lane plan in California.

Coronado, a town near San Diego, recently

tabled plans to paint bike lanes on many city streets after public backlash. Many of the opponents literally did not want to see any extra paint than they felt was necessary on the town’s roadways.

Corden apparently found those objections pretty wild.

Despite his jokes, its clear that Corden is in favor of the bike lanes. The news clip he plays points out that lots of people bike in Coronado already and talks about many of cycling’s benefits.

He wonders why anyone would hate the idea of bike lanes and he lists a number of benefits to both bike lanes and cycling in general. He also jokes about how the actual objections (like calling bike lanes “graffiti”) are hyperbolic and don’t really make sense.

Finally, he offers to paint the lanes themselves, rallying his audience to ride in the “Bike Lanes of Justice.”