K Street Option 2 is the “preferred alternative”

It looks like the K Street Transitway will resemble Option 2, the two-lane transitway with two three-lane side roadways, if DC gets the federal funding it needs to build the project.

FHWA published in the Federal Register that they’ve issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the “preferred alternative,” option 2. I asked DDOT if that means they’ve chosen option 2, but they replied that they don’t want to announce anything prior to the official publication on Friday.

Segment of Option 2 from 17th to 19th Streets, NW.

I leaned toward Option 2 as well, because it provides greater flexibility for off-peak loading zones, more sidewalk space, and does move traffic faster. However, Option 2 provides no bicycle lanes or other bike infrastructure.

If Option 2 is indeed the reality, it’s all the more important to push for some protected bicycle lanes on I and L, or M, or some other parallel street similar to the new one on 15th and planned for M Street SE/SW.