Let’s start a speaker series in 2015

Jeff Tumlin. Photo by Aimee Custis.

Here’s one way your contribution will help make greater Washington greater: You can help us arrange more speakers, and record and live stream the discussions, to make it possible for you to hear from more interesting people on the topics you care about.

Your gifts in 2014 helped us run 1,288 posts and reach over 1.3 million unique readers (so far) — all with a small team of mostly volunteers. If you help us here’s what you’ll see in 2015. Please give now!

In June, readers and contributors joined us to hear nationally-renowned parking expert Jeff Tumlin of Nelson/Nygaard talk about his work and expertise in urban planning. During a lunch event, Jeff sat down and had a great conversation with us. Jeff has worked all over the country was able to bring a national perspective and ideas to a context focused on the Washington area. We would have loved to live-stream the event, but couldn’t pull together the resources to make it happen. We want you to have the chance to hear from more experts about topics you care about. Join us to talk face-to-face with both local and national experts. But if you can’t make it in person, wouldn’t it be great to tune into the blog and still get a whole new perspective from our recordings? To make livestreams, an event series, and so much more a reality next year, we need your help to raise $18,000 in reader contributions. Can you help with a contribution now? We are so grateful to you for your loyal readership and support. By reading, commenting, following, and engaging, you’ve made Greater Greater Washington what it is today. We hope you will invest now to keep our community a place where you can learn about and discuss the future of transportation, land use, and so many other urbanist issues in the greater Washington region. Thank you, and here’s to a great, learning-filled 2015!