Crash course: What to do if you’re in, or see, a bicycle crash

Photo by ThinkingStiff on Flickr.

Bicycle crashes are scary, disorienting events. Nobody wants to think about being involved in a crash, but it’s important to know what to do in case of emergency.

Hopefully you will never have to experience this firsthand, but you may be able to help out your fellow bicyclists with your level-headed understanding of what to do.

At the scene

You’ve been in a crash. Now what?

After the Crash

You’re off the road. You’re home safe. What are the next steps?

Ways you can try to prevent crashes

Avoid crashes and problems by riding safely.

At the scene: Witness edition

You weren’t involved in the incident, but saw it happen? Here’s what to do:

We hope this overview helps to prepare you for the unlikely event that you are involved in a crash.

A version of this post appeared on WABA Quick Release.