Bikes (not blossoms) in the Flickr pool

Now that peak bloom is here, chances are you’ve been inundated with cherry blossom photos this week. They’re gorgeous, but there’s a lot going on beyond the blossoms!

U Street. Photo by Clif Burns.

Here are our favorite new (non-blossom) images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, showcasing the best and worst of the Washington region.

Paddleboats and bikes. Photo by Joe in DC.

East Potomac Park. Photo by Colton Brown.

Bike parking at #snapshotdc party. Photo by Joe in DC.

New York Ave. Photo by Eric Williams-13.

Photo by nevermindtheend.

Got a picture that depicts the best or worst of the Washington region? Make sure to join our Flickr pool and submit your own photos!