Rail transit modes fall on a continuum

Portland streetcar. Photo by author.

Despite wide variety in transit systems around the world, here in the United States we only have a few words to describe transit modes, such as commuter rail, heavy rail, and light rail.

In my recent counterpoint post on the Silver Line and the viability of a Dulles Express Line using the Washington and Old Dominion Trail, I touched briefly upon the differences between American and European transit concepts. Because we don’t have many words to describe a variety of systems, it can be difficult to compare and constrast different types of transit, especially those in other countries. With so few words, things get lost in translation.

As far as the Federal Transit Administration is concerned we have only a few words to describe our modes. There are certainly more variations on modes than those found in the National Transit Database’s glossary. Instead of a fixed set of modes, transit systems really fall on more of a continuum.

In this graphic, more local modes serving shorter trips, like guideways and streetcars, appear above more regional modes used for longer trips. Even within a group, some systems have a more regional flavor than others. For instance, BART, while still heavy rail, is closer to a regional rail system than is Washington’s Metro. And Los Angeles’ Red and Purple Lines with far less suburban-serving segments are closer to the subways of the pre-auto era.

Spencer Lepler correctly called Metro a hybrid between subways and commuter rail. Since it is a hybrid, it can’t be considered purely a subway or a commuter rail system. But the FTA doesn’t consider the Washington Metro any different (as a mode) from the Boston T or the New York City Subway.

Metro is a modern heavy rail system, while Boston and New York have pre-auto age heavy rail systems. Chicago’s Green Line is quite different from Washington’s Green Line. The root of these differences comes from the market for which each was built. Chicago’s Green Line was built mainly with walk-to-transit riders in mind, while Washington sought to cater to drivers bound for the central business district from the suburbs.



In the comment threads which have sprouted from the various Silver Line posts from last week and this week, many comparisons have been drawn to European systems and systems in other American cities. These other systems are good places to look, because we can gain insight from the variation between modes. Europe is a particularly good place to look to add a little perspective.

Stadtbahn Stuttgart

Baltimore Light Rail

Because the distinctions are important, let’s look a little more deeply at nomenclature.

When comparing American transit modes to those found in Europe, things don’t always translate directly. For instance, while systems like Washington’s Metro or San Francisco’s BART might be thought of as German U-bahns because of their heavy rail designation, they’re actually closer to the S-bahn systems in Berlin and Hamburg and Paris’ RER. Of course, the S-bahn systems in smaller German cities, like Stuttgart and Munich, resemble regional rail.

Looking across the pond can create confusion as well. In London, for instance, the Docklands Light Railway has dramatically improved service to East London. But the system is not light rail in the sense that most American’s think of it. It would be more accurately be described as Automated Guideway Transit, which is a separate mode according to the FTA. The Docklands system, unlike most American light rail systems, is entirely grade separated.

And contributing to the idea that America and Britian are two countries separated by a common language, heavy rail in Britian denotes regional and inter-city trains - not urban subway and rapid rail systems, which is what it means in the United States. Even Dr. Gridlock managed to get that one confused, telling a reader that MARC and VRE are heavy rail. In fact, according to FTA, MARC and VRE are both commuter rail.

MARC train at Greenbelt

Heavy Rail in Philadelphia

But looking across the globe for good examples of transit generally yields greater understanding of the continuum, even if it makes it harder to quantify. Karlsruhe in Germany has a unique system known as the Stadtbahn. The Stadtbahn name in Germany usually denotes light rail-type trains, but in Karlsruhe the transit system is a unique hybrid of light rail and regional rail. In the city center, trains run in street. However, some services merge onto the conventional rail network for direct, rapid services to suburban destinations.

Munich and Stuttgart both have large regional rail (S-bahn) networks which feed into a central tunnel in the urban core. These tunnels have high platforms and essentially act as a central subway bolstered by the high frequencies resulting from the combined lines.

S-bahn Munich

Expanding on this continuum concept, I added short-haul inter-city services, although perhaps a better name for the concept is needed. Amtrak services like the Capitol Corridor in California or Keystone Services in the Mid-Atlantic cater to longer-distance commuters as well as inter-city and inter-region travelers. Additionally, even high-speed services like the Acela offer a quick trip from far-flung suburbs. Joe Biden, for instance, commuted from Wilmington, Delaware daily on the Acela as a Senator.

We need a less rigid structure for naming rail modes. Individual systems possess a richer set attributes beyond just their FTA mode. Thinking of transit systems as lying somewhere on a continuum may help us find better ways of comparing systems across regions and nations.