Flickr highlights and a CSG internship

Here are our favorite new images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, showcasing the best and worst of the Washington region. Plus, want to be an intern at the Coalition for Smarter Growth this summer?

National Arboretum. Photo by caroline.angelo.

Greenbelt-bound Green Line train near Lake Artemesia in College Park. Photo by railsnroots.

Dalecarlia Tunnel along Capitol Crescent Trail, Montgomery County. Photo by afagen.

Standard (14th Street). Photo by Joe in DC.

National Cathedral, view from Kennedy Center. Photo by ekelly80.

Got a picture that depicts the best or worst of the Washington region? Make sure to join our Flickr pool and submit your own photos!

Do you have a passion for advocacy, writing and making a difference in the Washington DC region? If so, we might be looking for you! The Coalition for Smarter Growth has started its summer intern selection process — and we do a lot more than assemble Flickr pictures. Read the full program description. I hope you apply!