Let’s Choose among at-large candidates on education

Photo by aariops on Flickr.

In light of the debates swirling around the District around education this week in particular, Let’s Choose DC (a partnership of Greater Greater Washington, DCist, and PoPville) asked the at-large candidates about their vision for education:

DC’s education system has improved in recent years for many kids, but many schools remain inadequate to our children’s needs. If you could design a better school system for DC, what would it look like? Would we have more teacher evaluations or fewer? More charter schools, fewer, or different ones? More or fewer kids going to local schools? How else would your school system differ structurally from the one we have today?

Seven candidates responded: Diallo Brooks, Matthew Frumin, Patrick Mara, Perry Redd, Pedro Rubio, John Settles, and Elissa Silverman. Since last week, AJ Cooper has dropped out. Anita Bonds and Michael Brown did not respond for the third week in a row.