On the calendar: Parking Think Tank today and much more

Photo by michael_reuter on Flickr.

Today at noon is our online Parking Think Tank with DDOT’s Angelo Rao. Stop by from 12-1 to weigh in with your comments on parking in DC!

I’ll also be speaking on a few panels next week, Wednesday night with Ward 3 Vision to talk about how to advocate for smart growth, and Thursday at Congresswoman Norton’s parks town hall.

These and many other important events in the coming weeks are on the Greater Greater Washington calendar. Here’s what’s coming up that you might want to go to:

Virginia Environmental Assembly (Sat. 10/20, 8 am-4 pm at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington): The Virginia Conservation Network’s conference focuses on infrastructure, especially home energy efficiency and transportation.

An afternoon panel will talk about how residents and communities are pushing back against VDOT to get better transportation choices. Greater Greater Washington readers can get a $10 discount on the $45 registration, which includes a reception Friday night as well. Register here and use code GGW.

DC Historical Studies Conference (10/18-10/21): The annual conference on the District’s history starts tonight and runs through Sunday. Registration is $20 and gives access to many panels, tours and lectures.

Hearings on Metrobus changes (10/22 to 10/30, 6 pm): WMATA’s latest slate of Metrobus route tweaks and changes will make the A9 into a limited-stop MetroExtra, add Saturday 79 service, split the 2A/2B and 23A/23B, and many more.

Public hearings are Mon. 10/22 in Anacostia, Wed. 10/24 in Shirlington, Mon. 10/29 in New Carrollton and Falls Church, and 10/30 in Lamond-Riggs, all with an open house at 6 and then a presentation at 6:30. To speak, sign up by emailing speak@wmata.com; or submit written testimony at writtentestimony@wmata.com.

5 Gyres Last Straw Tour’s DC stop (Tue. 10/23, 3 pm at the National Aquarium): A team is biking 1,400 miles along the East Coast to raise awareness of the garbage patches plastic bags and other waste have formed in the oceans. Their stop in DC includes a forum with folks from the Anacostia Watershed Society and Trash Free Maryland to talk about how plastic pollution affects our local waterways as well. RSVP here.
Advocating for Smart Growth with Ward 3 Vision (Wed. 10/24, 7 pm at the Tenley/Friendship Library): The pro-Smart Growth citizen group Ward 3 Vision is hosting me, former DC planning director Ellen McCarthy, and Cleveland Park activist Jeff Davis to talk about how residents can advocate for more walkable, bikeable, livable, and inclusive neighborhoods.
Norton’s parks town hall (Thu. 10/25, 6:30 pm at the Wilson Building): Congresswoman Norton’s 2nd annual town hall with officials from the National Park Service will cover how NPS can best work with neighbors and contribute to a better DC. I’m speaking on the panel alongside NPS Regional Director Steve Whitesell, Rich Bradley of the Downtown BID, Danielle Pierce of Downtown DC Kids, and Catherine Nagel of the City Parks Alliance.
Getting Parking Right with Jeff Tumlin (Mon. 10/29, 5:30-8:30 pm at NCPC): If you haven’t gotten your fill of parking talk, CSG is hosting a forum with Jeff Tumlin of Nelson\Nygaard, a consulting firm that is, among other things, a national leader on parking. He has a list of 16 ways parking policies can better match demand and reduce negative consequences.
How to ride your bike through winter and at night (Sat. 11/3, 2-4 pm at Francis A. Gregory Library in Hillcrest). A clinic from Black Women Bike aims to help black women and all other humans feel more comfortable riding at colder or darker weather, which is a necessary part of most bike commuting as we get into the winter.