Urban hot spots by the Flickr pool and a CSG job opening

Image by AJC1 on Flickr.

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is, well, growing! CSG is hiring a project manager to head up our new Next Generation of Transit campaign. Do you have a passion for advocacy, writing and making a difference in the Washington DC region? If so, consider applying to join our team.

As CSG’s newest staff member, I can vouch first-hand that the Coalition for Smarter Growth is a great place to work, with a small, dedicated staff of super-committed (and fun!) people, who love coming to work each day.

You’ll research new transit solutions, build grassroots and grasstops supporters, help with our fundraising efforts, assist on crafting the campaign’s message and digital outreach program and be a sterling ambassador for our campaign. Read the detailed job description. I hope you apply!

Meanwhile, here are our favorite new images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, showcasing the best and worst of the Washington region.

Union Market. Photo by ekelly80.

Chinatown. Photo by jroll8481.

Chinatown. Photo by Eric Spiegel.

14th St. NW. Photo by fromcaliw/love.

Adams Morgan Day. Photo by dnramire.

Got a picture that depicts the best or worst of the Washington region? Make sure to join our Flickr pool and submit your own photos!