Legalize two-family houses in Montgomery County

2-family house in New Hampshire. Photo by ilovebutter on Flickr.

Let’s say you own a house in Montgomery County and you’re having trouble paying the mortgage. Or you have more space than you need and would like some extra income.

If the zoning code is rewritten the way county planning staff proposed last week, you will be able to split your house into two apartments and rent one of them out … if you are five feet seven inches tall, have red hair, and were born in West Virginia.

Actually, the limits proposed on so-called accessory apartments aren’t quite that restrictive. But almost. Under the draft code, the following conditions must be met before a house can be divided into two units:

Some of these petty restrictions are already included in the present zoning code, which in addition makes homeowners go through a 9- to 13-month review process that includes public hearings. Only about 10 houses a year have been able to pass the tests. The county today has about 180,000 one-family houses, and only a few hundred two-family buildings.

This is simply absurd. Montgomery has an acute shortage of affordable housing. The greatest need is for large rental apartments. Two-family houses save money for owners and renters alike. It’s time to make them legal.