On the calendar: Speak up for Hine, Montgomery BRT; learn about Prince George’s medical center, Arlington CaBi

Photo from CSG.

Important and interesting hearings and forums are happening in the next few days about the Hine project (tonight), Arlington’s Capital Bikeshare (tonight), Montgomery BRT (tomorrow), and next week, a forum about where the Prince George’s medical center should go.

Tonight is the final Zoning Commission hearing on the Hine project at Eastern Market, and the commission needs to hear from supporters to help the project over its final hurdle. The hearing starts at 6:30 pm in room 220-South of One Judiciary Square, 441 4th Street, NW.

For Montgomery residents, tomorrow is an important meeting, organized by County Executive Ike Leggett, on the BRT proposal. Show up at 6:30 pm to sign up to speak, and the meeting starts at 7 in the county office building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, in the 1st floor auditorium. If you can attend, RSVP with CSG.

Where will Prince George’s build its medical center? The county definitely needs a regional medical center, but will it go at a Metro station or a car-dependent exurban location? A Coalition for Smarter Growth forum will discuss that very important question next Wednesday, July 18, at the New Carrollton station.

Finally, Arlington will present its plan for expanding Capital Bikeshare tonight at 1501 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1100, from 7-9 pm. Plus, BikeArlington is offering a free 1-year membership to one lucky attendee!