Smart Growth America talks to Tommy Wells

For a series of videos with local officials, Smart Growth America spoke with Tommy Wells about what it takes to make great neighborhoods in DC.

From their writeup:

“Great neighborhoods are not necessarily what we thought they were,” Wells says. “We used to think we divided ourselves in sections…you put schools over here, housing over here, stores over here. And what we found was that in order to get anywhere and to do anything, you had to get in your car…And the more that we lived in our cars and in this sort of a sectional, stove-piped community, the more we didn’t see each other.”

Wells gave a name to the type of lifestyle for which he advocates: “Five-minute living.” Being able to walk, bike or take public transit to one’s destination as opposed to driving further away offers innumerable benefits to the community, Wells says. It makes for healthier lifestyles, keeps money in the local economy and supports the growth of strong traditional neighborhoods.

In Ward 6, Wells has spent much of his time emphasizing the need to break down barriers to change and to better connect sections of the city.