Now and Future: Results Gym

The owner of the building at 1612 U Street, NW, which currently houses Results Gym, is planning a modern addition to fill in a gap in the existing streetwall, accommodate more workout space, and make room for a rooftop pool on the old building. To respect the historic brick side facade of the building, the addition will use an all-glass front that keeps the old wall visible from the street.

Images from David von Storch and CORE Group.

The building, built as a warehouse, originally had a vehicle ramp on the east side leading up to the second floor. Because the building was designed to have space beside it, it has two designed facades instead of one, including arches over the top floor windows on both facades. The current owner removed the ramp, leaving an empty space, and now proposes to fill it in with the addition.

He originally proposed a four-story addition, but the Historic Preservation Office recommended lowering it to three stories to avoid covering over the arched windows. The architect designed a transparent addition that would allow people from the street or nearby buildings to see through and into the historic building. Existing floor-to-ceiling windows will become doors without disturbing the original bricks.

Image from CORE Group.

The Current and Housing Complex reported on the plan. The owner, David von Storch, wants to replace the Results Gym with a Vida Fitness, a chain he owns. According to von Storch, parking isn’t an issue at the site as almost all employees take Metro or buses, and patrons live nearby or ride transit.

The Dupont Circle Conservancy supported the plan and voted to “commend the architect and owner for the project’s uniqueness and sensitivity to the streetscape.” (Disclosure: I am a member of the Dupont Circle Conservancy and participated in the meeting.)