Anacostia bill passes committee markups

Photo by nadi0.

This morning, the two committees responsible for the Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act (the “bag bill”) unanimously approved sending the bill to the full Council. Since twelve Councilmembers co-sponsored the bill, it only needs seven votes, and eight voted for it today between the two committees, it’s almost certain likely to pass. The Council’s next legislative session will be at the end of May.

Councilmember Kwame Brown, who sits on both committees, amended the bill to also add a voluntary tax check-off on DC’s income tax forms that will let taxpayers choose to contribute more money to the Anacostia River Fund. In addition, he announced his intention to propose another amendment creating an Anacostia River license plate, similar to Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay plate. Car owners will pay an extra fee for that plate, and that money will also go to the fund.

DC may soon become the first U.S. jurisdiction to internalize the externality of free carryout bags. Seattle is the only other place in the U.S. to pass such a measure so far, but that is on hold until voters approve or reject it in a ballot initiative. Bags aren’t free, and having people pay the actual cost of the bags has worked very well in Europe. It’s time to bring it to DC, Maryland, and the nation.