Fairfax County proposes bus route cuts

Photo by kodama (home).

Fairfax County has proposed cutting bus service for FY 2010 to close a $650M budget gap. The cuts include completely eliminating fifteen routes, decreasing bus frequency on nine routes, cutting off weekend service on one route, and other cuts.

Metrorail/VRE feeder routes:

These routes are Metrorail or VRE feeder services, and eliminating them may adversely affect both congestion along the region’s highways, as well as Metrorail’s ability to attract customers during rush hour, when higher peak fares contribute more to the costs of running the system.

Highway express routes:

One of the routes (the 380) duplicates Metrorail service between two points. Two other routes largely duplicate service that’s provided by a combination of bus and rail. It’s not clear whether eliminating this route will merely shift people between the bus and rail or whether they will start driving.

Local routes:

The rest of the routes (306, 556, 922, 929) are local connector bus routes that more likely than not primarily serve the transit-dependent. I do not have data to support this assertion, but based it on my knowledge of the area (it’s highly car-oriented) and the bus route description (it doesn’t serve rail and appears to travel local streets only). The routes serve Metro stations through a park and ride and frequent bus shuttle connection. It’s probably not fair to call this service for “transit dependent” riders.

Public hearings to discuss the service cuts will take place on March 30 at 7pm, March 31 at 3 pm and on April 1 at 3 pm. All hearings will be at the Fairfax County Government Center in Fairfax. To speak at the hearing, register here prior to 10 am on the day of the hearing or call 703-324-3151 prior to noon. You can also submit comments in writing here or by calling 703-324-9400.

Fairfax will approve the final budget on April 27, 2009.