Circulator thrombosis

Photo by DavidSC78.

Saturday afternoon, in the rain, Greater Greater Fiancée and I waited 31 minutes at 20th and K for a westbound Circulator. The Circulator advertises a bus every 10 minutes, all day. Three buses passed in the other direction while we waited. After 27 minutes, a bus in our direction zipped by without stopping. Another bus showed up four minutes later, but meanwhile we fumed at the Circulator and debated whether to wait for another.

Certainly, many of you have had similar experiences. We’re not the first nor the last to suffer from bus bunching and unreliable schedules. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t complacently tolerate this. We won’t entice people to take the Circulator instead of driving to Georgetown if they have to stand around on K Street for 30 minutes to do so.

What can we do to make the Circulator experience greater?

The Circulator is supposed to help people travel east-west and north-south along downtown’s major axes smoothly and easily. Today, though, outside peak times buses often don’t show up, and during peak times they crawl in traffic. We have to do better.