Breakfast links: Transit users aren’t losers

As David is in jury duty this week, I’ll be your guest host for Breakfast Links. Please continue to send tips our way at

Be nice to crime dogs: The Metrobus driver who punched McGruff the Crime Dog has reportedly been fired. (Post) According to Michael Perkins who was watching yesterday’s WMATA oversight hearing, Metro General Manager John Catoe has no explanation for why the driver did that.

Done deal for Silver: The Metro Silver Line project was formally approved yesterday, as DOT Secretary Ray LaHood’s signature awarded $900 million in federal funding. Though current drivers on the Toll Road are poised to gain commuting alternatives with the new rail line, the Examiner characterizes these users as “losers” in the deal.

Further proof that transit has a new life in Congress: Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, is holding a hearing entitled, “Sustainable Transportation Solutions: Investing in Transit to Meet 21st Century Challenges”, featuring, once again, Ray LaHood, and several members of other advocacy groups. It’s tomorrow at the Dirksen Senate Office Building. (Streetsblog)

Density distinguishes a digital divide: Because infrastructure is cheaper to build in denser areas, America’s suburban distances have made broadband internet more expensive. (Tip: John S.)

Could Hans Christian Andersen pedal? The League of American Bicyclists is holding its annual meeting this week at the Reagan Building. They’re inviting “DC area cyclists” to its keynote session tonight at 6:30pm discussing Copenhagen, whose use of bicycle incentive programs has reportedly led to over a third of all trips being made by bike. (CommuterPageBlog and



Gas taxes gaining a new advocate: Four Massachusetts pro-business groups have joined forces to recommend a 25-cent gas tax increase in the Commonwealth, higher than the 19-cent increase recommended by the governor. Said one former legislator, “I’ve been involved in politics in Massachusetts now for 25 years and I am honestly not sure that I can remember another time where the business community came out in such an organized way on behalf of a tax increase.” Critics contend those recommending the change are “elites”. (National Corridors)

Asking for advice: After WMATA’s refusal of late to consult with riders about policies and services that affect them, the DC Government takes the opposite approach, imploring residents to submit ideas for the use of stimulus funds. (Tip: Linda)