Jury duty

Moultrie Courthouse. Photo by IntangibleArts.

I have been empaneled on a jury. Today was my day to do my civic duty and report to DC Superior Court for jury service, my first time ever, as a matter of fact. And I was selected to serve on a jury.

The trial is estimated to run through Monday. I will enter some posts during the evenings and schedule them to run during days, but most likely on a lighter schedule than you are used to.

I’ll also write about the trial. However, as I’m not allowed to talk about the trial until deliberations end, you’ll just have to wait until next week to read all about it.

I can make one observation: like many modernist buildings, and most likely due to modernists’ stubborn refusal to put “tops” on buildings, the Moultrie Courthouse has disgusting water stains all along its top. Ugh.