Greater Greater Washington is now Greater Greater Wells

Photo by WABA on Flickr.

This article was posted as an April Fool’s joke. The site has been renamed back to Greater Greater Washington, but you can continue to see the page at

The editors and contributors of Greater Greater Washington are pleased to announce a change that has been in the works for some time: We are changing our name. This site will now be called Greater Greater Wells.

The new name reflects our longtime focus on the policies of Councilmember Tommy Wells, such as building more “livable, walkable” communities in and around DC; making streets safer and more pleasant for all users, especially pedestrians and bicycles; and fostering healthy local neighborhood corridors.

As part of our new mission and focus, Greater Greater Wells is also launching a campaign to draft Tommy Wells to run for mayor of DC in 2014. He would bring the best combination of high ethical standards and commitment to good public policy. While members of the DC council have a lot of influence, ultimately most action rests with the executive, and Tommy Wells is the best person for the job.

If you agree, please join our email list for the campaign. We will send occasional updates about how you can help get Tommy Wells elected in 2014.

Join to get updates on our Draft Wells campaign

Meanwhile, you’ll notice small changes on the site, such as an updated look and changes to some of the sidebar elements. We’ve also gotten a new twitter icon and more. We hope you will enjoy reading, commenting on, and contributing to Greater Greater Wells as much as you have enjoyed being a part of Greater Greater Washington since 2008!