Can NYC build me a personal garage too?

As even more lurid details emerge of New York’s $340 million giveaway for Yankees parking—that’s right, entirely for parking—we learn that 70 million will go entirely to build a free garage reserved for Yankees and their guests, with no revenue ever being collected to pay back the city; that the total amount the team is paying the city for rent will decrease; and the company building the garages has defaulted on other municipally granted bonds in the past.

Next week: responding to news reports that George Steinbrenner sneezed while looking generally in the direction of New Jersey, Mayor Bloomberg announces that New York will be shutting down the #4 train, which will henceforth only run on-demand private service between Yankee Stadium and anywhere that the Yankees want to go. To offset the loss of this subway line, the city will put pictures of trains on the tops of the new garages.