National links: Vermont passes HOME Act, expands missing middle housing

A house in Tunbridge, Vermont by Billy Wilson licensed under Creative Commons.

Vermont eliminates exclusive single-family zoning, legalizing missing middle housing statewide. The collapse of the I-95 overpass isn’t causing congestion to the extent as originally feared. How a federal court case from 2018 is shaping cities’ responses to homelessness.

Vermont’s major zoning reform: In an attempt to create more housing in the state, the recently passed HOME Act in Vermont will allow for the building of more units on land that has existing water and sewer service. It also reduces parking requirements and gets rid of exclusive single-family zoning around the state. The legislation was created to help young families, first-time home buyers, and those who hope to age in place. The law paves the way for missing middle housing to be built in municipalities across the state. (Amy Love Tomasso | CNU Public Square)

Carmageddon again doesn’t show up: A tanker truck recently caught fire under an overpass on I-95 near Philadelphia, causing the road to collapse. This portion of I-95 carries 160,000 vehicles a day and local news reported that traffic would be unbearable until repair. But in this case, and every case, a claimed “carmageddon” never happened and traffic dissipated into the network. Joe Cortright argues that this proves traffic is not some inevitable part of nature but rather is very dynamic, proving a fundamental flaw in highway planning. (Joe Cortright | City Observatory)

A federal court case has determined homeless response: In 2018, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that people experiencing homelessness can’t be punished for sleeping on public property if there’s nowhere else to go, citing the Eight Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. This ruling has determined how cities around the country have responded to tent encampments and homelessness ever since. Advocates say cities have used the ruling to figure out more constitutional ways to do housing sweeps instead of focusing on addressing systemic issues that drive homelessness. (Rachel M. Cohen | Vox)

Paris’ new old height limits: The debate among urbanists about whether skyscrapers are valuable to cities continues as Rowan Moore discusses the difference between London and Paris after the French city’s recent ban on buildings over 121 feet tall. Some English believe Paris’ lack of tall buildings proved it was less dynamic than London, but a recent economic upturn in Paris at the expense of post-Brexit England seems to show it’s not a cut-and-dry argument. (Rowan Moore | The Guardian)

Transportation tax chicken: Conservative lawmakers in the Arizona legislature are playing chicken with Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs over a 20-year transportation tax that will end in 2025 without renewal. Hoping to cut out funding for light rail completely and limit spending on active transportation and road diets, the legislature wants to separate out a vote by roads and rail. Governor Hobbs believes she has the support to include both in the same vote, but conservative leaders won’t hold the vote. (Howard Fischer and Bob Christie | Arizona Daily Star)

Quote of the Week

“Get rid of Denver, Salt Lake, Las Vegas, LA, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson — the whole nine yards — and you still would not reach the amount of water you need to save. As a basin, the answer is not lying within the entire urban sector. There has to be participation from agriculture and industrial.”

Colby Pellegrino, the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s deputy general manager of resources in Pro Publica discussing water needs in Las Vegas.

This week on the podcast, Melanie Piana, the Mayor of Ferndale, Michigan joins the show to talk about bike networks and road diets.