What’s wrong with these pictures?

Even though most of the cherry blossoms are gone and it’s a weekday, there were lots of people around the Tidal Basin today. But one thing is missing.

There needs to a Capital Bikeshare station here, on the north shore of the Tidal Basin. Many people even rode bikeshare over here and stopped to take pictures, but they can’t drop off the bikes to walk around for a while and let others ride them back to downtown or the Metro.

After walking all the way here and around the Mall, I would also have loved to have had a bikeshare station to get back home via the 15th Street bike lane or back to the Metro. Unfortunately, all stations are quite a walk from here.

It’s not like a bikeshare station would ruin the view. Along this parking lot, there are numerous trailers, fences, tents and much more.

Yet there are still no bikeshare stations on the Mall, thanks to the National Park Service and its strange concessionaire rules

Meanwhile, Cheryl Cort sent along this photo of commuters walking to and from the New Carrollton Metro station.

She writes: “Too bad much of the area is designed only for cars.” Yeah.