Work, intern, or volunteer at CSG, BAC, or NPS

Photo by Meer on Flickr.

Want to get more involved in urbanist issues? You could work or intern for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, be a National Park Transportation Scholar, or join the Bicycle Advisory Council.

CSG is looking for a full-time Managing Director and a part-time Fundraising & Administrative Assistant as well as summer fellows. The Park Service is looking for a transportation professional for one year. And there are four open spaces on the volunteer BAC.

The BAC meets every other month, plus committee meetings in the intervening months, to discuss bicycle issues and make recommendations to the Mayor and the DC Council.

Each Councilmember appoints one member; the positions for Wards 4, 7, and 8 are currently vacant, as is the one at-large position appointed by Sekou Biddle. If you want to be considered for appointment, contact the Councilmember.

CSG has two job openings. The Managing Director will work with the board, manage staff, track finances, plan fundraising, and direct the office of four full-time and one part-time staff. This is a key position to keep the region’s most valuable smart growth organization running effectively.

The Fundraising & Administrative Assistant will handle general office responsibilities like tracking bills, making phone calls, and the like, and also coordinate fundraising tasks like maintaining donor databases, sending out mailings and organizing events. This position is 20 hours per week and could be great for students.

CSG is also looking for graduate students who want to be Policy Fellows this summer. Unpaid fellows will work on advocacy or planning projects around affordable housing, transportation policy, land use, and more.

If you’re a transportation professional, you could spend a year helping the National Park Service improve its trails in the Washington region. The National Park Service Transportation Scholars Program brings graduate students, professionals, or academic faculty in transportation to help out with projects in various parks around the nation.

This year, there is a project in our region to update the Park Service’s trail strategic plan, particularly for the Mount Vernon Trail. Applications are due by Monday.