Meet Kai, our spring intern — and learn how you could join us this summer

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Hi everyone! My name is Kai Hall and I’m excited to join the GGWash team this spring as the Engagement Intern. I’m a third-year student at the George Washington University double majoring in Geography and International Affairs with an Asia concentration. I moved from Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan to D.C. for school and I now call Foggy Bottom home.

GGWash’s vision for a more walkable, human-centered Washington region aligns with my passion to study and participate in urban planning processes to advance socioeconomic equity and overall wellbeing in society. Growing up in the outskirts of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, I relied on my region’s safe and efficient public transportation systems to pursue academic opportunities and connect with my community. I believe everyone deserves to have good transit options to connect them with the resources and opportunities they need.

I’m particularly interested in the intersections of race, land-use, climate change, and political structures in transportation and urban planning. As a regular user of Metrobus and Metrorail, I’m aware of the spaces that are welcoming to transit users in and around our city and those that exclude us. It’s crucial for our region to prioritize the maintenance and expansion of multimodal forms of public transportation to continue our recovery from the pandemic and grapple with increasing socioeconomic inequality and the already-present effects of climate change.

As the Engagement Intern, I’m looking forward to getting hands-on experience with the behind-the-scenes work that enables GGWash to develop connections for our donors and volunteers and promote important policies that make our city more accessible and welcoming. I hope to meet you at our Spring Gala in April!

Note from GGWash: Do you want to be our next Engagement Intern? We are accepting applications for our Summer Engagement Internship from now until March 25th. We hope you consider applying!