Help us save our Maryland and Virginia transportation coverage

Signs to Baltimore and Richmond stock photo from Luka Banda/Shutterstock.

These past few weeks have been heart-breaking, illuminating, and inspiring. GGWash remains committed to covering the need for planning and policy decisions that focus on a more equitable and sustainable Greater Washington region, and center the needs of Black residents and other residents of color, all across the region, including in Baltimore and Richmond. Unfortunately, due to a change from a funder, we will now need your help if we’re going to be able to continue to write about transportation in Maryland and Virginia.

Have you enjoyed Alex Holt’s articles on improving MARC or sinkholes destroying light rail in Baltimore, or Wyatt Gordon’s pieces on the Chesterfield County “superstreet”or rail to the mountains? We did, and would like them to continue!

Although our content remains primarily volunteer-driven, a few local partners have helped us add paid correspondents and fellows to provide consistent coverage of key areas. We’ve loved having these programs because they let us compensate people for professional-quality journalism and have articles about places and topics our volunteers don’t typically write about.

Like many media outlets, we are also beginning to feel the financial strains of the coronavirus-related economic downturn.

Recently we found out our funder for the Maryland and Virginia beats won’t be able to renew our agreement, which has just expired. Given our current financial situation, we will have to say goodbye to the excellent coverage of Maryland/Baltimore and Virginia/Richmond from Alex Holt and Wyatt Gordon at the end of June unless we can secure a new source of funding.

Can you make a one-time or recurring donation today to help us continue to provide dedicated coverage of the transportation issues impacting the Washington region? It costs between $150 and $300 to publish one of these articles, but a donation of any amount is appreciated.

If you donate using this form, we can put that contribution directly toward keeping the Wyatt and Alex terrific-content faucets open. Please tell us which types of coverage you’d like your donation to support, and feel free to submit any additional suggestions or comments. Thank you!

We’ll check in regularly about how it’s going and then, come June 30, figure out (and tell Alex and Wyatt) what we can do.

Thank you for reading GGWash and helping to support our coverage of transportation issues in the Greater Washington region.