Gray keeps Harriet Tregoning! And others

Tregoning and former Maryland Gov. Parris Glendening. Photo by M.V. Jantzen on Flickr.

Mayor-elect Vincent Gray just announced that Harriet Tregoning will remain as Director of the Office of Planning, one of several existing officials to keep their jobs.

Gray announced in a statement that he is keeping Tregoning to “make the District of Columbia a more livable, inclusive, globally competitive city,” despite efforts by the Committee of 100 and Ward 3’s Tom Smith to push her out along with Gabe Klein.

He is also keeping Bill Howland as head of DPW, making this the third consecutive administration in which Howland will have run the department. Nicholas Majett, head of communications and customer service for DCRA, will take over that agency, which should mean that DCRA’s first-rate Twittering and other excellent responsiveness will continue or even increase.

Three other Fenty cabinet members are staying in their jobs in today’s announcement: Lucinda Babers at the Department of Motor Vehicles, Eric Richardson at the Office of Cable Television, and Soohyun Koo in the Office of Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs.

Finally, Gray appointed Roland Ronald Collins to head the Office of Boards and Commissions, which helps the Mayor select appointees for the various boards such as the Zoning Commission, the Historic Preservation Review Board, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, and more. The Committee of 100 had been circulating letters asking Gray to appoint Denise Johnson, former member of the Historic Preservation Review Board and a big Gray supporter, to the post, but Gray did not follow their advice.