Read our GGWash fellows in a new book about resilience

Mount Vernon Triangle by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Over the past year, Greater Greater Washington’s fellows have covered important stories on efforts to address climate change, sustainability, and resilience in our region. Now some of their best work is included in a new e-book published by the Island Press Resilience Project.

Resilience Matters: Action in an Age of Uncertainty” covers a year’s worth of reporting about climate change, its impacts, and some possible solutions. The collection is available to download for free.

Featured in the book are our Island Press fellows Meena Morar, Natasha Riddle, ThienVinh Nguyen, and Will Schick. Their stories include:

Image by Island Press Urban Resilience Project used with permission.

Since 2017 the GGWash fellowship has been making space for local writers to tell the big and small stories that affect the region.

Greater Greater Washington’s Urbanist Journalism Fellowship is a part-time, paid position for local budding journalism professionals who are interested in the forces that shape how Washington grows and develops. Fellows primarily report on equity and urban resilience. The fellowship is made possible with the support of the Island Press Urban Resilience Project and the Meyer Foundation.

Download the book to read the work of our fellows alongside many other writers as they report on, as collection editor Laurie Mazur calls it, “the year when climate change got real.”

If you are interested in being a fellow, keep a lookout on our website, the daily email, and on Twitter and Facebook for us to announce when the next fellowship applications open.