Thank you, Gabe!

Photo by dbking on Flickr.

Gabe Klein won’t be continuing as head of DDOT, but let’s give him a big round of applause for his dedicated service. Here are a few kind words about Gabe from a few of the over 1,000 signers of our petition:

I’ve lived in DC for almost 10 years now. Director Klein has transformed DDOT into one of the few DC departments that actively engages with the citizens, keeping us informed and listening to our ideas. From big projects like streetcars to little things like street lights that are pointed in the right direction, I know that I can trust Mr. Klein’s DDOT to get the job done.

— Vincent Mareino, Ward 1

Under his appointment I have seen more improvement and positive impact than in all of my previous 15 years in the District.

— Megan Nash, Ward 2

He has been very proactive on transportation issues. I even had a “chat” with him on the internet about an issue I was concerned about. We were “chatting” long after what I would consider a normal quitting time.

— Stephanie Partridge, Ward 3

I’m not a planning or transportation professional, just a 12-year DC resident. And I’ve come to realize how important the accomplishments of these individuals have been. The plans I see from the respective departments of Ms. Tregoning and Mr. Klein have been a great fit for the District, they have have been better communicated, and I have seen the results whether I’m driving my kids to school, biking to work, or riding Metro all over the city. They are professionals who do their jobs well, with great ideas and great results.

— John King, Ward 4

I love the fact that I can drive, walk, metro, bus or ride my bike almost anyware in the City that I have called home, property tax payer and all, for over 15 years.

— Guillermo Saenz, Ward 5

My personal opinion is that since Gabe Klein came on to oversee DDOT, the agency has improved exponentially. The response for calls for service are prompt and complete, the website for DDOT and inputing service requests has been simplified. Overall, under Mr. Klein’s leadership, DDOT is an organization that has become the standard for cities nationwide, as well it should be since it represents “Our Nation’s Captial”.

— Chad W. Lewis, Ward 6

Mr. Klein has been an amazing public servant. From issues small to large, he has been receptive to ideas, suggestions and concerns every time I have contacted him. In fact, the first time I contacted him with my transportation concerns I received a personal response from him in just a few hours. This was very unexpected, but also quite welcome. Later, when a problem arose in my neighborhood, Mr. Klein made sure a representative from DDOT was on hand to meet with residents and hear their concerns.

— Tracy Russo, Ward 6

I am very happy with the improvements made to DC’s transportation infrastructure during the last few years. The diversification of options—more bike lanes, upcoming streetcars, etc—are only improving my quality of life, and I really enjoy having choices about how I travel around the city.

— Joe Vess, Ward 7

Ms. Tregoning and Mr. Klein have opened the District of Columbia up to what its potential can and should be. I am behind their overall ideas, work, and communication with the public 100%. … Mr. Gray, you could ask for no more than the brilliance these two have provided. And you will be hard-pressed to find replacements to even fill even half of their shoes.

— Eric Wrigley, Ward 8

Let’s hope Gabe Klein’s successor continues these great works so that we can say as many great things about him or her in a few years as so many of you did about Gabe.