Thanks for making our fall member drive a success!

Karen Roach stock photo from Autumn Thank You/Shutterstock.

Thank you to everyone who joined or renewed during our Fall member drive! We raised $13,488 from annual donors and added 42 monthly donors, bringing our total monthly recurring donation revenue to $3,018.

This revenue helps support all aspects of our media operations. The strong showing from our individual contributions has helped make up for a deficit in our event sponsorship funding. If you didn’t donate during this campaign, we would still happily accept your monthly or yearly contribution to keep the site going strong.

Have you seen our sponsored event listings?

This quarter we launched our sponsored event listing advertising package. You probably saw this recognized in one of our Monday event posts or in our social media feed. Through this program, we promoted the American Planning Association’s Policy and Advocacy Conference and Casey Trees’ Green Cities Summit.

If your organization would like to connect with GGWash’s audience of dedicated professionals and passionate residents across the region, and if you want to support GGWash’s efforts to educate and engage readers, please contact Jane Green to learn about our advertising and other corporate support programs.

Thank you to our sponsors

Corporate funders help keep GGWash going. You can always visit the Our Supporters page to learn which organizations are funding GGWash, and learn more about how we work with corporate sponsors to keep financial influence out of our editorial process.

On October 25, we’ll be holding an event on The Future of Autonomous Vehicles in DC, along with DCST. We are grateful to our sponsors for this event: Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC and AECOM.