Be car free in DC

Photo by Rebar Art Collective on Flickr.

Monday, September 22nd is World Car-Free Day, a day to try getting around without a car (if you use a car for everyday activities) or to celebrate not using cars (if you don’t). The Washington region is celebrating the day with a Car-Free Challenge, where you can pledge to “eliminate or reduce [your] driving.”

DC will also host a festival at 7th and F Streets NW, with live music and other fun activities celebrating Car-Free Day, educational information on living car free, and more.

The previous Friday, September 19, is Park(ing) Day, where individuals feed the meter to pay for a parking space, but use it as a park instead of for car storage. The idea started in San Francisco and has spread across the country. There’s a Facebook group forming to plan some park(ing) spaces in DC. Join in and help set up some spots!