Which DC state-named avenues are most like the actual states?

Image by Matt Johnson.

DC has 50 roads named for each of the states, plus Puerto Rico Avenue. How do these avenues resemble the states or territories for which they’re named?

You can learn about how these roads got their names, including why two aren’t Avenues while the rest are. (Quick: can you name them? Answer at the bottom). You can learn which one’s the best, at least according to one ranking (my home state!)

I started thinking not about which is best, but which is most like its state, based on this unflattering tweet about Florida Avenue and the state of Florida:

I asked people for their nominations for ways the avenues resemble the states. Here are some more I came up with:

And here are some from others on Twitter:

My favorite, though, is another one from Daniel Ridge:

Which ones can you come up with? And, which state is most like its avenue? Florida might still be tops on that one so far.

Answer to the top question: The two that aren’t Avenues are California Street, in Adams Morgan, and Ohio Drive, the loop around Hains Point.