We still need $7,819 to close out our fundraising drive. Will you donate?

We're halfway to our goal!

Our 2019 fundraising drive is in the final weeks, with only 14 days until our 11th birthday party. We still need $7,819 to hit this year's goal of $15,000.

Will you help grow our GGWash Neighborhood by joining this new membership program? If membership isn’t your thing, we welcome your donation of any size. Please give now.

Join or donate today!

There are just two weeks left

We need reader donations to balance our budget. Hitting our goal now will keep GGWash going strong for the rest of the year. I bet you’re already sick of the pop-ups and fundraising ads on the site. Without your help this week, we'll have to add more fundraising appeals on the blog and crowd out the content you love. Please donate now to keep us focused on bringing you the urbanist news and insights you love to dissect, debate, and share with your friends.

Will you make sure we hit our goal by March 14 and make a donation today? We look forward to celebrating with you at our 11th birthday party in Crystal City! You can make your donation when you get your ticket.

Your support matters

Your contributions help pay our awesome editor, Julie, who keeps the posts fresh and newsy every day. It covers the costs for the boring stuff like hosting and server costs, as well as working with our web developer Derek to keep improving the site.

You help keep the blog running. Will you donate today?

Check out the perks for joining the GGWash Neighborhood

You — readers, contributors, commenters, and urbanist advocates — make the Washington region great. In appreciation of your support, we have created new ways to engage with our community through the GGWash Neighborhood, our membership program. (The perks are cumulative at each level.)