Meta-comments about the Washington football team are off topic. What other comment policy questions do you have?

Retro old microphones stock photo from BrAt82/Shutterstock.

You normally can't discuss our comment policy in comment discussions, but in this post, you can. Also: If we have a post that's not about whether the name of the Washington NFL team is a racial slur, it's off topic to debate that.

Our rules prohibit meta-comments about the comment policy on most posts, because it's not relevant and drags conversations off topic. But we also want to give you periodic opportunities to bring up questions or comments you might have about comment moderation. Here's the chance.

Also, we're making one clarification to the policy. A recent post about Metro ridership records mentioned Super Bowl XXII in January 1988, which Washington won. In keeping with our style guide (and that of a number of other regional publications), we did not use the mascot name, which is considered by many to be an offensive racial slur. Several commenters objected to this choice.

You can discuss that further in the comments here. However, this discussion also derailed any conversation around the post's main point about Metrorail ridership, and the team name is not relevant to rail ridership. Therefore, in future posts, we will be deleting comments about this topic unless there is a post specifically related to it.

Besides that, what else do you think we should change about the comment policy or article style practices?