Submit tips through Google Reader

Image via ekoob.

Erik W. has been ably assembling the Breakfast Links (and occasional Weekend Links) for several weeks now, and many of you have submitted tips. Thanks!

Please keep up the tips. Erik doesn’t have time to go through local papers and major blogs every day, so the links really represent what you’ve sent in. If something is missing, there’s a good chance that’s because nobody submitted it.

You can submit tips at the tip form. To make it a lot easier, we have the bookmarklet, which I’ve now upgraded to open up the tip form in a new window.

For those of you who use Google Reader, you can also add Greater Greater Washington to your “Send to” menu at the bottom of any post you’re reading.

To do that, click on “Settings” and then “Reader settings” at the top right. Go to the “Send to” tab, and then select “Create a custom link” at the bottom.

You will see three fields, Name, URL, and Icon URL. Fill them in as follows:

Name: Greater Greater Washington


Icon URL:

Click Save, go back to Reader, and now you should be able to submit any item as a tip by clicking on Send To at the very bottom of any post.