It’s up to us to keep fighting for walkable, urban Washington communities

Image by Joe Flod licensed under Creative Commons.

Growing up in Montgomery County, I took for granted that the Metro could easily get me to the National Zoo, that I could quickly walk to a welcoming library, and that a bus could get me from my high school to any of my after school activities.

Greater Greater Washington provides daily coverage of the region’s urban issues and advocates for communities like the one I grew up in. Will you join me today in giving a donation to GGWash so together we can continue making greater Washington greater?

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As an adult, I have a new appreciation for what it takes to create walkable, transit-oriented communities. I now rely on Metro running on time to make it my morning meetings and I thank my lucky stars if I’m not greeted by a board reading, “Glenmont – DLY.” Metro’s reliability is at times questionable, but it’s still an important piece of what makes the Washington region great.

The reality is that transit opportunities do not exist in a vacuum – they intersect with where our residents chose to live, how healthy we are, and more importantly, what our local leaders chose to prioritize. That’s why I joined GGWash’s Elections Committee this year, to hold our local candidates to the policy priorities that make this a great place to live.

You can help too! GGWash needs your financial support, whether you chose to make a monthly or one-time donation. Your donation helps pay GGWash’s small but mighty staff, who edit all the content you see on the blog and organize volunteers to engage in advocacy to improve our community. Will you donate today? You’ll help keep this community strong and get some cool stuff!

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