An iconic local urbanist space enters a new decade

Image by Ted Eytan used with permission.

On Monday, February 5th, GGWash turned ten years old. By reading, commenting, writing, and promoting walkable urban development, you've helped build this community.

Will you help GGWash continue to grow and thrive for another ten years?

Give today to help raise $35,000 during this year's reader drive.

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Your donations matter

Donations from readers are an important part of our budget. Your individual contributions help pay for:

You rely on GGWash. Shouldn't you chip in?

You know that GGWash serves a unique niche in Washington's media landscape. If you turn to GGWash for wonky, policy, data-driven news about the housing, transportation, land use, and urban policy decisions happening across the region, please help pay for it.

Finally, some GGWash swag and perks for you!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know GGWash is valuable, and you're probably going to make a donation, but where's the cool stuff?

Given that we're celebrating 10 years, we wanted to give you, donors, some presents!

We've got specially designed stickers, buttons, and a photo book of transit maps (so cool!) You can be invited to a special lunch with David Alpert (on us). And there's even a chance for you to sponsor a corner of GGWash through our adopt-a-tag program!

Check out the details here and donate today!

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