Zeitgeist in the Flickr pool

#7words protest at HHS building. Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Our photography contributors have been busy this week. Enjoy our favorite photos submitted this week to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool by some of our most consistent contributors, and a few new ones!

McClellan's Retreat. Image by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Trinidad. Image by Olaf Zerbock licensed under Creative Commons.

Compass Coffee I Street. Image by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Near Dupont Circle. Image by Mike Maguire licensed under Creative Commons.

Near the Wharf. Image by MW Transit Photos used with permission.

Cleveland Park Metro. Image by Beau Finley used with permission.

Union Station. Image by John J Young used with permission.

We need your photos! Have a snap that embodies the greatest (or worst) of places in the Washington DC region? Please join the Flickr pool and submit your own photos!