Smart Growth becomes at-large issue, we get some credit

Clark Ray at the Wisconsin Ave. Giant.

DC Council at-large challenger Clark Ray is making Smart Growth a major campaign issue with a new video attacking incumbent Phil Mendelson.

Ray criticizes Mendelson for his seemingly-disingenuous foot-dragging on streetcars and for his opposition to the Wisconsin Avenue Giant. He also created a special page on Smart Growth comparing himself and Mendelson.

As Lydia DePillis points out, Mendelson has his strengths too in this area, like a stellar environmental record and good work chairing the Public Safety and Judiciary Committee, including sticking up for pedestrian safety.

DePillis also gives us a nice compliment:

The most interesting thing about Ray’s video, though, is that the smart-growth crew has made itself into a constituency to be courted. It centers around Greater Greater Washington, where Ray clearly got much of his ammunition. But its power became clear when thousands of calls, e-mails, and tweets poured in to defend streetcars when they were threatened by Vince Gray’s 2:00 a.m. switcharoo. That’s what political power is: When elections become about your issues, you’ve essentially won.

Aw, shucks.

Here’s the video: