Do you want to help test our mobile site?

Photo by janale1 on Flickr.

I’m working on a mobile version of Greater Greater Washington for those using Blackberries, Android phones, iPhones and iPads, “feature phone” browsers, or other internet-enabled mobile devices.

DCist has a good mobile site which is an example of what this could look like. Once it’s done, I can test it on my Android phone and Greater Greater Wife’s Blackberry, but I need additional testers on a variety of devices.

If you would be interested in trying out the site on your mobile device, post that in the comments along with what device it is. Make sure you use your real email address in the email address field where it won’t show up publicly (but don’t paste your address into the comment itself), so I can contact you.

Also, if you currently access the site on a mobile device, are there any problems you encounter? For example, some Blackberry users have said that the CAPTCHAs don’t work on Blackberries. Is that still happening? I will try to address that with the mobile site. Are there other issues?

Update: One more request. It’d be helpful to know about mobile sites you currently read on your mobile device and you think are good in terms of their layout, organization, or other factors, so I can emulate their best features on ours.