Who are the new DC residents?

Photo by sean dreilinger.

Around the New Year, bloggers and then news outlets discovered that new Census figures showed DC as the fifth fastest growing “state,” with a population about to pass 600,000. What the Census figures don’t tell us is, who are these new residents?

Planning Director Harriet Tregoning has some hypotheses:

Tregoning said tax records will help clarify from which the states the newcomers are arriving. She said she thinks that many new arrivals are young and want to live near public transportation. …

“If someone is wondering where to go after graduating college, or who’s lost a job or just wants a change, there aren’t many places that are adding jobs,” she said.

Until we have the tax records, we can take an unscientific survey. Did you move to DC in the last year? If so, can you help illuminate DC’s migration patterns?

  1. What state/city did you live in before?
  2. What neighborhood did you move to? Added: And why?
  3. Did you come here for a job, a degree, a relationship, or something else?
  4. Do you walk, bike, drive, ride the train or bus, and/or other?

If you moved to Maryland or Virginia, feel free to post your answers to the above questions as well.