A 5-year bus detour just ended

For the past five years, WMATA’s 90-series buses have had to avoid traveling eastbound at a well-known intersection. They don’t have to anymore.

90-series bus route changes.  Diagram by the author, base image from Google Maps.

In 2010, DDOT rearranged the intersection of Florida and New York Avenues NE; it sends eastbound traffic on Florida around a Wendy’s restaurant, garnering the unofficial name “Dave Thomas Circle.” Only later did it come to light that buses couldn’t easily turn right from Florida to First Street around this new “virtual circle”

Buses have been turning onto North Capitol Street and then New York Avenue to avoid that one turn. Westbound buses have never had to change from their straight path along Florida Avenue.

Thanks to DDOT making some recent changes at Florida and New York, Monday marked the first day of service restoration for this portion of the route, saving several minutes for the 90, 92, 93 & X3 runs —some of WMATA’s busiest bus lines

While changing the turn radius here, DDOT also took the opportunity to shift some of the lane markings and signs to make it more clear where cars should wait at the light, as well as to add some green paint and other markings to make it easier for people on bikes to safely navigate the circle.

DDOT’s most recent minor fixes at “Dave Thomas Circle.”

These minor changes should be helpful for the next few years. DDOT is now starting engineering for a larger project at this location: to eliminate Dave Thomas Circle completely to create a simpler intersection surrounded by new park spaces.

Two future options for the New York/Florida intersection. Images from DDOT.