National links: Manipulative maps and tearing down freeways

Photo by Mikey on Flickr.

Thanks to The Direct Transfer, we’re going to start bringing you a weekly roundup of what’s happening around the country in transportation, land use, and other related areas. Think Breakfast Links, but national and on the weekend! Enjoy!

Capitalist highway maps: You can easily lie with maps. In fact, many companies used them to point people to only their gas stations or even their most highly rated restaurants. Where do you think Michelin stars came from? (Motherboard)

Tear down this wall: It’s well known that highways cut into urban fabric and destroyed communities and in their wake. But now a lot of cities are looking to tear freeways down. (The Atlantic)

Shade balls, we hardly knew thee: Los Angeles was using millions of black plastic balls to keep reservoirs from evaporating, but the city is going to start using giant tarps except for in a few places that are too big for tarps. (Governing)

Last known destination: As transportation creates opportunity for faster connections, cities will change over time. This change will ultimately shape travel behavior as well. The London School of Economics has charted origins (housing) and destinations (jobs) of cities in density charts. (Guardian Cities)

“Guaranteed Maximum Price”: Boston’s Green Line T extension costs estimates have recently gone way up because of contractors gaming the system. Transit costs can be totally reasonable, but for that to happen governments need to contain these types of money grabs. (CommonWealth)

Bonus: Turtles saved from the tracks! (Images)

Quote of the week:

“Above all else, the citizens lamented the deafness of public officials. They said they have raised these concerns time and again and, according to them, no one has listened. Maybe that’s because they’re going to the wrong meetings.” - Josh Stephens of the California Planning and Development Report