California is using this cheeky video to encourage safe driving

One of the biggest dangers of riding a bike is drivers who pass way too close. This video uses people who clearly don’t get the concept of personal space to illustrate what a safe passing distance is and is not.

In DC, Maryland, and Virginia, the law requires that drivers give cyclists three feet of space when they pass. California has that law too, which led to the Santa Rosa Street Smarts program creating this video.

In it, examples of people getting way too close to a guy as he’s going through everyday life activities like sitting at the movies, riding an elevator, and, most awkwardly, relaxing in a hot tub. “You don’t get this close in person,” the spot says. “So don’t act like this when driving. Give people on bikes room to ride.”

A video like this should be required watching for everyone obtaining or renewing a drivers’ license.