Morning bell: Questions about the Common Core, including DC’s test choice

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Some raise questions about DC’s choice of Common Core test: Two different testing consortiums offer assessments that are based on the new curriculum standards, and critics are asking whether DC has chosen the wrong one to begin implementing next year. (Post)

Surveys show that teachers are warming up to the Common Core: Two reports show that a majority of teachers think the Common Core will benefit most students, but there are worries about implementation and the effect of the new standards on struggling students. (Hechinger Report)

Yet more on the Common Core: A panel of experts on the Diane Rehm show, including a high school principal and an associate editor for Education Week, discussed the new standards and the reasons some have criticized them as too rigid and confusing. (WAMU)

Where the mayoral candidates stand on education: The Post provides succinct summaries of the positions of the 6 major candidates.

DC Council approves “DC Promise” scholarship program: The program would provide lower-income high school graduates with up to $7,500 a year to help pay for post-secondary education. The measure passed without debate, despite concerns that it could jeopardize a similar federally funded program, DC TAG. (Post)

Powell Elementary serves as the backdrop to a Presidential speech: President Barack Obama visited a classroom at the Petworth school and gave a speech on his budget, which would funnel more money to education, among other things. (WAMU)

Meanwhile, the First Lady gives a shout-out to Fairfax students: At a press conference, Michelle Obama recited her favorite lyrics from a song about nutritious food written by students from Marshall High School. (Check out their video. It’s amazing.) (Post)

One Capitol Hill family commits to local middle school: Joe Weedon bemoans the exodus of kids from traditional public schools during and after the elementary grades and says that middle schools in his neighborhood are improving. (The Hill Is Home)

Snow day pros and cons: On the Kojo Nnamdi show, Montgomery County Superintendent Joshua Starr and Dave Marcotte, a professor of public policy, discuss the considerations involved in the decision to close school and the effects of snow days on learning and student welfare. (WAMU)

Rally for school construction money in Annapolis today: Montgomery County parents, students, and elected officials are urging lawmakers to increase state funding to the school district, which has seen an upsurge in enrollment. (Post)