Special exclusive report: Some cars run red lights

Dear Adam Tuss and Mark Segraves,

This evening, walking home from the Metro, at one corner I saw three cars run a red light. One bus (a private bus, not a Metrobus) entered the intersection as the light was yellow, just clearing it as the light turned red. Then, two cars in a row made a right turn without stopping, despite a “No Turn On Red 7 AM - 7 PM” sign. After that, a third driver (whose car had DC plates) jammed on the accelerator from outside the intersection, after the light was already red, and gunned it through the intersection after a pedestrian had already started to cross on the far side, just to screech to a halt behind the bus which was waiting at the next corner a short distance away.

Please feel free to come stand on this corner and provide a live radio report about the cars going through the light.


Greater Greater Washington