We’re looking for a few good contributors

Photo by National Library of Australia on Flickr.

We started Greater Greater Education about 6 months ago with the goal of providing more coverage of education issues in the DC area and, ultimately, helping to improve the quality of public education. If you have something to say on the subject, we’d like to hear from you.

We’re looking both for people who would like to write a one-time guest blog post and also those who are interested in becoming regular contributors. If you fall into either of those categories, please contact us at info@ggdcedu.org with some background information about yourself and an idea of what you’d like to write about.

If you’re not interested in writing but you have an idea for something you think would make a good story, we’d like to hear about that too. You can submit a tip here.

We welcome contributions from those with expertise in education policy, but we’re also interested in hearing from people who can draw on their personal experience: teachers, parents, students or former students, and neighborhood residents.

Ideally, we look for topics that have both a local angle and some resonance beyond a single individual or even a single school. A background in writing is helpful but not required.

Our bloggers often take positions on issues, but we’re primarily looking to inform readers and stimulate reasoned discussion. We look for posts that are based on objective information and that lay out that information clearly, without academic jargon or partisan invective.

As we said back in March when we first appeared, we’re not in any particular camp in what has been termed the education wars. We’re interested in what is working and what is not, based on experience and data. And our hope is to provide a forum where those interested in public education can discuss their differences and perhaps find common ground.

More detailed guidelines for contributors are available on our website, and we recommend taking a look at some of our past posts before you write to get an idea of our general style. All contributors to Greater Greater Education, as with Greater Greater Washington, are volunteers.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to hear from you!